Paris Day 4
Today everyone was pooped. Yesterday was a very big day. So, it was time for some shopping!!!! We got a late start to the day though and didn't get out of the house until after noon. It was a beautiful day, a little wind in the air, not too hot and not too cold. For some reason, Max was excited... perhaps because he was outside! We walked down into the 6° arrondissement, St. Germain, a neighborhood which we'd flirted with last time, but hadn't gone into. Of what I've seen in Paris, this is now my favorite neighborhood. Lots of little Parisian boutiques, food markets, streets which go every which way, bigger name-brand stores, big department stores (like Bon Marché), yada yada yada. Patti and Lauren saw a really cute purse store just a couple of blocks from home, called Max. They shopped for a little while and each bought bags, which they left there to pick up later. We barely were able to get off the Rue du Buci, the small street nearby where I have been going to get bread every day, before there was a shop I had to go into. And one that Patti had to go into, and one that Lori had to go into, and one that Lauren had to go into. But not Max. Max was a great sport and endured our shopping excursions. We kept going down the Rue du Four which turns into the Rue de Sevre. I saw all my favorite stores there (you know what they are), and made a note to come back to them. Eventually, we ended up at the Bon Marché, which has the most fabulous food court I've ever seen (better than Selfridge's, better than Harrod's). Upstairs in magasin 2 are the restaurants. Everyone was hungry, so we settled on the cafeteria-style restaurant. The food there was challenging. The croque monsieur's were slathered in either mayo or some gross soft white cheese. No one ate them. Max was smart and had some delicious chicken and pommes frite. Still, between the potatoes and salads we had enuf to sustain us for the rest of the day. Max and I took off, as Lori and Lauren wanted to go into a big store across the street. Max and I went back to the Furla store, which we'd passed along the way. They had lots of beautiful bags on sale, but none that I had to have. Instead, I bought a watch to match my Furla bag, since I'd left my watch in Luxembourg. After speaking in my lousy French, the owner took pity on me and started speaking English. Turned out that he grew up partially in Tennessee, having an American dad. After buying the watch, the man gave Max a very cool keychain (28€ value!). From there, we found the Longchamps store, where I didn't buy anything, but resolved to return later. We did more window shopping before returning back to the Bon Marché. We were to meet the rest of the gals back at magasin 1. But as we got there, someone needed to use the toilette. So we quickly went upstairs in magasin 1 across the street, and got a little lost and found ourselves in the employee section of the store. Two clerks took pity on us (all communication was going on in French, btw) and showed us to the employee restroom. People here can be very nice, despite the reputation. It helps to travel with a very cute kid. Turns out they were waiting at a different entrance, so it took a little while for us to figure this out and meet up again. From there, walked over to Max Mara. I saw the cutest pants, but unfortunately, the women here are a lot smaller than I am, so no dice. But there was a whole 'nother floor to explore. Max had reached the end of his limits of patience by this time, so and Lori, Patti and Max left to pick up to the bags and go back to the bungee trampoline thing in the Jardin du Carousel. Lauren stayed with me to give me fashion advice. Downstairs, I found the most fabulous coat (at a great price!) and a very cool pair of shoes. Although I had decided early on I wouldn't buy any more shoes... rules are made to be broken. I bought both, and we left the store. We went back to Longchamps, where I got Lauren a cute makeup case, and bought a new duffel bag (which turns out to be essential to carry our stuff). From there, we went to Francesco Biasia (nothing in my size), found a very cool furniture store (didn't buy, just took photos), and did lots of window shopping for a variety of things. We ended up at the basement of the Bon Marché, looking at stationery and books. Meanwhile, Lori, Patti and Max went back to collect their purchases at "Max", the purse store. This was a store that Max enjoyed. This time, the owner, named Max, was in the store. Introductions were made, and big Max was delighted in his little namesake. So while the gals were shopping, the owner got a stool for Max to sit on, gave him a Coke, called him a King, and commiserated with him about women and shopping. This was a store that Max enjoyed! Every time we pass that store now, the owner sees us, and comes out and waves to le Roi Max. After dropping their purchases off at home, the three of them went to the Parc du Carousel. Max bungeed, and Lori and Max went on one of the rides (a contraption that swings you around in circles sitting on a chair). By this time, Lauren and I were resting our tired dogs at a cafe across from the restaurant we were to meet the rest of the folks at. We'd walked a long ways and were tired. Shopping does that to you. While we waited, we watched the world go by with interest. Lori, Max and Patti pulled up in a taxi and we went across the street to check out the menu. We had dinner reservations. Patti had gotten the name of this restaurant from her friend Cici. For some reason, she'd gotten it in her head that this was a creperie. But it most certainly was not. It had more traditional French fare. So, we opted to leave, called a cab (after a long long wait), and made our way to the Ile St Louis, where we'd remembered there being a creperie. The place was a very casual place, but the food was good and not too expensive. We all had dinner crepes, and the kids had dessert crepes as well. Next door was a place that sold Berthillon glacé, so Lori and I had a cone... yum! Then we all walked back home, stopping part way back to stock up on water. Max decided he'd model some of our purchases so you could see them. Note Lori's new shoes and handbag. Pretty snazzy! After arriving home, we realized we were out of some supplies. So Lauren and I went off to find an open market. Patti remembered seeing one on the Rue Dauphine, but it was not to be found. So we wandered all over, went back towards the Latin Quartier (around St Michel), and eventually found a market that was open. Even though there were lots of people around at 11 at night, it was still a little bit creepy. On our way back we followed a guy who was drinking beer and showing the effects of it. We walked home as fast we could. We were exhausted! Tomorrow, Lori leaves... we'll miss her terribly!
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