At long last, we got
a dog, a border terrier named Coda (short for "Coda di Carota,"
or carrot tail) born on June 6, 2002. We wanted a dog with spunk, but
not so much that she won't get along with the other dogs at HighWire.
We picked her up from Sue West, president of the Border
Terrier Club of the Redwoods.

What's a border terrier,
you ask? Isn't that like a border collie? Nope. They're small, lively,
happy dogs, who love to eat and chase rats (or any other type of small
prey). They're a tad smaller than a Parson Jack Russell and a little mellower.
Here are some pictures from the 2002
Border Terrier fun event so you can see how cute they are, and their
favorite activity (besides eating): earthdog!
Here were the first
looks at the puppies at 4 weeks of age, some at 7
weeks of age, and Coda
on her first day at home (see how quickly she adapts?).
Here she is on her
first day at work (when she was 9 1/2 weeks old):

Coda's now 13 months
old (as of July 2003). She's a graduate of puppy kindergarten, and now
has her Canine Good Citizenship and her conformation championship, skills
built up completely through clicker training. She's now training for competitive
obedience, agility, and earthdog. You can follow her career from here.
Her best friends at
work are Augie
and Rocky. Click
on the picture of Rocky below, to see a very cute video of Rocky &
Coda playing (Quicktime video -- 6 Mb). (Pictures of Augie courtesy of
Jesse Gathering. Pictures of Rocky courtesy Ryan Krebs.)

As of 1/20/2003 I'm
adding content to this part of the site. It's still incomplete, however.
Sections on good doggie web sites, books,
and more as I can think of them!
dog web sites:
Kennel Club: gives information on all types of breeds
Lots of useful dog info + a breed selector to help you decide
Interested in finding out where the next dog show is? Who won the last
one? This is the place for dogs (and owners) who like to compete.
Karen Pryor's Clicker
Training Site: Resources for learning how to clicker train your
dog, find trainers in the area, etc.
Melissa Alexander's
Clicker Solutions Site:
Great site with tons of tips on specific aspects of clicker training.
The books below are
a sample of books I've read or own, along with recommendations both good
and bad. (If a book doesn't have any explanation by it, I probably would
recommend it. Books that I didn't like but chose to include, I've pointed
out so you won't make the same mistake I did by buying it!
Dog Behavior &
The Truth About Dogs, Steve Budiansky -- A
lot of people say this book is cynical, but I think it gives an excellent
perspective on dog behavior and why they do what they do.
The Intelligence of Dogs
Don't Shoot the Dog, Karen Pryor -- Excellent,
excellent book. A must read.
Culture Clash, Jean Donaldson
-- Another excellent, excellent book. A must read.
The Other End of the Leash, Patricia McConnell
-- Another excellent, excellent book. A must read.
Agility Training
- Earthdog Ins
and Outs -- Very comprehensive guide to earthdogging, and a really
good guide to all the earthdog breeds (for those who want to get a terrier
or a dachshund).
Obedience Training
Clicker Training
for Obedience, Morgan
Spector -- Excellent, excellent book for training your dogs on the
basics of obedience. Although half of the book is dedicated to competition
obedience, the first three chapters review operant conditioning (skip
it if you've read other C/T books) and fluencies (basics like the
long sit, down, stand, etc.) using the clicker. Lots of great suggestions
on how to approach things, and how to deal with common problems. Several
later chapters are dedicated to training your dog the skills necessary
to get various obedience titles.
- Avoid anything
by Carol Lea Benjamin. Her methods are outdated, and she is an advocate
of punishment when redirection or ignoring behaviors would work better.
- Be ware of anything
by Monks of New Skete -- Some interesting things about dog behavior
(some controversial), but they are also too harsh for my tastes (beware
the alpha roll!).
Border Terrier
- Border Terriers
Today, Anne
Roslin-Williams -- This is my favorite border terrier book. It's a really
comprehensive look at the BT breed standards, and how to take care of
your BT by a top expert in the area. It's well written, concise, comprehensive,
and it has great photos. Plus, some of Coda's grandparents are in it.
